LSD Therapy Netherlands

Meest ervaren tripsitter van regio Amsterdam, Haarlem en Leiden

Tripsitter: Meest ervaren tripsitter van regio Amsterdam, Haarlem en Leiden Ervaring telt Er is een kleine groep tripsitters in Nederland die dit werk fulltime doet en een groep hobbyisten die soms eens een psychedelische trip begeleiden. Een ervaren tripsitter biedt meer dan een hobbyist die hetzelfde doet, omdat ervaring en kennis van cruciaal belang zijn bij het veilig en effectief begeleiden van een psychedelische trip. Hier zijn een paar redenen waarom een ervaren tripsitter meer te bieden heeft: 1. Veiligheid: …

Hippie flip: MDMA and psilocybin in one session

Triptherapie: Hippie flip: MDMA and psilocybin in one session Triptherapy wrote about: Hippie flip: MDMA and psilocybin in one session (Triptherapy) Hippie flipping is combining magic mushrooms, truffles or psilocybin with MDMA. This combination is known for providing a safer feeling, empathy and an easier psilocybin trip. The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: Hippie flip: MDMA and psilocybin in one session

Integration of psychedelic sessions with psychodrama and IFS

Triptherapie: Integration of psychedelic sessions with psychodrama and IFS Triptherapy wrote about: Integration of psychedelic sessions with psychodrama and IFS (Triptherapy) The integration of psychedelics sessions can be done through group meetings with psychodrama and IFS The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: Integration of psychedelic sessions with psychodrama and IFS

Regulated MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is getting closer

Triptherapie: Regulated MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is getting closer Triptherapy wrote about: Regulated MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is getting closer (Triptherapy) MDMA therapy with a psychotherapist may be regulated in the near future. What steps still need to be taken to make this possible and what is already possible? The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: Regulated MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is getting closer

How does registration for a truffle ceremony work?

Triptherapie: How does registration for a truffle ceremony work? Triptherapy wrote about: How does registration for a truffle ceremony work? (Triptherapy) We explain in this blog how you can register for a truffle ceremony. More information about the course and the location in Schiedam is also discussed. The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: How does registration for a truffle ceremony work?

Psilocybin against Crohn’s disease

Triptherapie: Psilocybin against Crohn’s disease Triptherapy wrote about: Psilocybin against Crohn’s disease (Triptherapy) Psilocybin and Crohn’s More and more scientific studies confirm that psilocybin works as an anti-inflammatory. Most natural treatments for the disease […] The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: Psilocybin against Crohn’s disease

Psychedelic therapy: Trends in 2024

Triptherapie: Psychedelic therapy: Trends in 2024 Triptherapy wrote about: Psychedelic therapy: Trends in 2024 (Triptherapy) New trends surrounding psychedelic therapy are the hippie flip, wizard flip, upcoming regulation, new laws surrounding psychedelics and training to become a psychedelic therapist. The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: Psychedelic therapy: Trends in 2024

Psychedelic sessions for people from Norway

Triptherapie: Psychedelic sessions for people from Norway Psychedelic therapy in Norway In Norway, the sole legal psychedelic treatment available is through the use of ketamine. While some private clinics may provide ketamine sessions, it may not be the most efficient psychedelic in treating major depression. Other potential treatments, such as LSD, MDMA and psilocybin, are currently prohibited by Norwegian law. To undergo a legal psychedelic session using any of these substances, individuals from Norway often travel to the Netherlands where …

Psilocybin under supervision

Psiloflora: Psilocybin under supervision Psilocybin under supervision (Psychedelic therapy Netherlands) Psilocybin supervised use is often done for the therapeutic effects of truffles. An experienced therapist can help you get more out of the psilocybin session! Psilocybin under supervision and truffles Psilocybin is a psychoactive substance found in certain mushrooms and truffles. Scientific research shows that this substance is increasingly used under supervision during truffle ceremonies in the context of psychedelic therapy. The potential of supervised psilocybin for improving our mental …

Truffle ceremony experiences: 6 great reviews

Psiloflora: Truffle ceremony experiences: 6 great reviews Truffle ceremony experiences: 6 great reviews (Psychedelic therapy Netherlands) The truffle ceremony experiences of others can help to gain more insight into how truffle ceremonies work. Truffle ceremony experiences Read why other people’s truffle ceremony experiences are fascinating and what makes these special experiences so unique. Most people have a fascination with lucid dreams, near-death experiences and psychedelic trips. There is often something in it that is elusive and attracts attention. In addition …