Category: <span>Geen categorie</span>

Psilocybin under the guidance of a therapist or psychologist

Triptherapie: Psilocybin under the guidance of a therapist or psychologist Triptherapy wrote about: Psilocybin under the guidance of a therapist or psychologist (Triptherapy) Psilocybin can be taken under supervision with a therapist or psychologist. Together we work on trauma or other goals. The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: Psilocybin under the guidance of a therapist or psychologist

Top 5 music for psychedelic therapy

Triptherapie: Top 5 music for psychedelic therapy Triptherapy wrote about: Top 5 music for psychedelic therapy (bron: Triptherapy) Music is important in Psychedelic therapy! We give a top 5 of the best music for psilocybin and MDMA sessions. Create the perfect playlist for a Mushroom ceremony! Triptherapy The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: Top 5 music for psychedelic therapy

The winter blues, depression and psilocybin

Triptherapie: The winter blues, depression and psilocybin Triptherapy wrote about: The winter blues, depression and psilocybin (bron: Triptherapy) The winter blues in combination with a dormant depression can give many people a difficult time during the winter. Especially after the holidays, many people find themselves in an isolating hole. Can psilocybin help with this? Triptherapy The original message was posted on the triptherapie webpage Trip therapie: The winter blues, depression and psilocybin

Psilocybin session and depression

Triptherapie: Psilocybin session and depression The weather and depression The seasons can influence our mood and associated hormones and neurotransmitters cause, for example, the winter blues. For example, in winter many people experience a dip in their mood, which is also known as winter depression or seasonal depression. This can be caused by a lack of sunlight, which reduces the body’s own “happiness hormone” serotonin. In spring and summer, many people experience an improvement in their mood. This can be …

MDMA therapy Amsterdam

MDMA therapy as an alternative Persons with the diagnosis PTSD or one of the anxiety disorders, regular or CBT is not enough to reduce the symptoms. This group of unlucky people are now able to make use of MDMA therapy in The Netherlands, for example in Amsterdam. In this article we’ll explain why MDMA therapy works better than regular therapy in case of PTSD, anxiety disorders, OCD and addiction. How MDMA affect the psyche MDMA therapy is not merely about …

Psychedelic sessions overview

Triptherapie: Psychedelic sessions overview Psychedelic session as therapy LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide), psilocybin, and MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) are psychedelics that can be used for therapeutic purposes. Although they have unique pharmacological properties, they all produce profound changes in consciousness and can enhance emotional processing. LSD and psilocybin are both classified as classical psychedelics and work by stimulating serotonin receptors in the brain. They are known to produce mystical-type experiences and can enhance introspection, creativity, and empathy. Research has found that LSD …

Mushroom therapy

Triptherapie: Mushroom therapy What is mushroom therapy? When people talk about Mushroom therapy they are referring to psychedelic therapy using magic mushrooms. Magic mushrooms contain the active substances psilocybin/psilocin and are used for tripping and during the trip one can work on problems, fears and insecurities that are present the subconscious. It’s the psilocybin that has been converted to psilocin that has the most effect on the temporary effects of magic mushrooms, but still we call it psilocybin therapy. Legal …

The best 5 goals for a psilocybin ceremony

Triptherapie: The best 5 goals for a psilocybin ceremony A psilocybin ceremony is a special experience where you make a psychedelic journey with the help of magic truffles under the guidance of an experienced tripsitter. Magic truffles are natural products that contain psilocybin, a substance that can change your consciousness and bring you in contact with yourself, nature and the universe. A psilocybin ceremony can have different goals, depending on your personal situation, wishes and intentions. Some people do a …

LSD session

Legal LSD session in the Netherlands In the Netherlands, LSD is illegal because it is listed on the Opium List as a hard drug with high danger and addictive properties. LSD is classified as a Schedule 1 drug, meaning it is considered a substance with no medical value and a high risk of abuse and addiction. The possession, production and sale of LSD (and other hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin) is therefore punishable under the Dutch Opium Act. …

Magic truffel ceremony

Triptherapie: Magic truffel ceremony Attending a magic truffel ceremony at Triptherapy Magic Truffles have been found to be an effective tool for those seeking an introspective journey towards their inner wisdom. This journey can be facilitated through a magic truffel ceremony or Psilocybin therapy. People who experience physical complaints, addiction problems, depression, fears, bereavement and post-traumatic stress disorder, often struggle to find the core of the problem. However, with the use of Magic Truffles, one can delve deeper into the …